
Why is organic fertilizer now recommended?

April 13, 2023

Organic fertilizer equipment Biological organic fertilizer contains different types of microorganisms, its benefits are also different, below to introduce to you

1. The benefits of nitrogen fixation. For example, root nodules and nitrogen-fixing bacteria can fix nitrogen in the air and provide nitrogen nutrition for crop development under appropriate conditions.

2. Benefits of nutrient release. Microorganisms transform some substances in soil that are difficult for crops to receive and apply into nutrients that can be accepted by crops for crops to receive and apply. For example, silicate bacteria can not only differentiate refractory minerals such as feldspar and mica in soil, releasing fixed potassium, but also promote the conversion of insoluble phosphorus in soil into shapes that can be used in crops.

3. Promoting the benefits of development. After microbial fertilizer is applied into the soil, it not only adds the nutrient content in the soil, but also promotes the differentiation of various vitamins, enzymes and other substances beneficial to the development of crops, soothes the development of crops and helps them to receive nutrition.

4, disease resistance benefits. After inoculation in disease-resistant soil, microorganisms multiply in a small amount in the roots of crops, and become beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere of crops for a period of time, inhibiting or increasing the reproduction opportunity of pathogenic microorganisms. Some microorganisms can also develop resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. Microbial organic fertilizer can nourish, soothe and promote crop development, but its benefits are limited. In crop production, organic fertilizers and fertilizers are mainly used to provide nutrients for crop development.

5. Many original estimates in the natural world contain many beneficial microorganisms, but once these raw materials are applied to the soil, these microorganisms will be eaten by several microorganisms in the soil. As a result, it can't live precariously in the dirt, and its consequences are hard to see. But assuming that beneficial bacteria are involved in the fermentation of organic fertilizer, the fermentation of organic fertilizer itself is to expand the medium, so that a small number of bacteria proliferate. At this time, the application of microbial organic fertilizer into the soil will form beneficial bacteria community in the soil, which is beneficial to the roots of crops. The fermented organic fertilizer has a superior effect on microbial activity.